Today, United Way South Africa (UWSA) visited the most vulnerable families in need around Hercules in Pretoria. As part of our Covid-19 relief efforts, we donated Food Parcels, Clothes, Blankets and masks to over 50 people and their families including children.

More Items donated will be distributed to the Danville Squatter Camp.

Even in these uncertain times, no one is powerless to make a difference. Small acts, taken together across the country, can change the course of the pandemic, bolster those facing economic challenges, and protect the most vulnerable.

Mr. Jan Prinsloo, one of the community leaders had to say: “We cannot over-express our thankfulness”.

Together, we can overcome Covid-19.

Be part of the CHANGE. Donate today!

www.unitedway.org.za 011 806 5890 info@unitedway.org.za