United Way South Africa (UWZA) is a non-profit organisation that unites and connects all sectors of society including individuals, businesses, academia, non-profit organisations and the government with the aim of creating long term social change. It mobilises the collective caring power of communities to produce a healthy, well established and financially stable society. UWSA envisages a nation where all citizens have access to equal rights and economic opportunities. LIVE UNITED.
Our Vision
UWSA envisions a nation where all individuals and families achieve their human potential through education, income stability and healthy lives.
Our Mission
United Way South Africa - A Local Movement With A Global Footprint
United Way advances the common good and creates opportunities for a better life for all by focusing on education, income and health – the building blocks for a good quality life. The United Way movement mobilises millions to action – to give, advocate and volunteer to improve conditions in their communities.
Our Relevance
United Way South Africa’s objective is to unite and connect all sectors of society – individuals, businesses, non-profit organisations and the government – to create long-term social change and mobilise the collective caring power that produces healthy, well-educated and financially stable individuals and families. We leverage the unique contributions of diverse individuals and organisations and are enriched by local knowledge and expertise in creating better lives for all.
United Way South Africa’s point of departure is the national development plan 2030, which identifies major areas of focus towards addressing the challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment. More specifically poor education, the burden of disease and enterprise development is in line with United Way’s intended areas of intervention.
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